Friday 13 January 2012

Possible possibilities...

Well, today was meant to be a work day (my baskets of 'to-do's' are piled high) but somehow I have managed to only do one and a half jobs - namely, replace a zipper in a pair of jeans and handsew a replacement zip into a leather handbag (this has been with me longer than I'd like, as it keeps outwitting me - some jobs are just like that!) which remains unfinished.  I blame the start of a cold for this dip in motivation, but it does irritate me...

Anyway, this year I am hoping to get a bit of balance back in the sewing stakes - I spend a lot of time sewing for other people and barely any for myself (kids and home included!), there are loads of little projects that I would like to complete this year and if I can make a dent in my 'made-to-measure wardrobe wish list' (more on that in another post) then I will be very happy indeed.  I'm definitely a glass half full kind of girl, and aim quite high with my lists and what can actually be achieved.  My other half is far more realistic, sometimes too much so - my theory is if I can think something is possible then there may be the possibility of it happening, whereas if you don't even think about it then there's no chance of realising what may be possible - not sure that really makes sense - apologies!

Today my eldest turned 7, and as part of his birthday present I made him this cushion:

He was more impressed than I expected! It may seem a bit of an odd present (he did get other stuff - knitted pyjamas, hotwater bottle and a crocheted hat - I'm joking, poor child, though I did think about it just to see the look on his face!) but there is a reason - it's to stop all my other cushions getting trashed when he and his step-brother embark on an impromptu duffing up with cushions session as 7 year olds are wont to do. Beasts! It could also be useful as extra seating, or used as the 'naughty cushion' (as opposed to naughty step!) - the options are endless.  It's a basic cushion cover made from denim (hardwearing for boys - essential) with a zip along the bottom seam and his initial in gingham, satin stitched on the front.  I'm planning on doing another for aforementioned step-son when his birthday comes around - and they will look lovely and matchy-matchy on their beds!

What do you think about handmade gifts - are you pleased to receive them or secretly mortified?

Have a lovely weekend!

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